Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


1. About the Prophet.: Anyone who has ever seen me in a dream, then he really has seen me

* Hadith narrated by Abu Qatadah, he said:
I have heard the Messenger of Allah said: Dreams good (rukyah) that comes from God and nightmares (hilm) comes from the devil. So if one of you had a dream that is not fun, let him spit into the left side three times and seek refuge in Allah from the wickedness so that the dream will not harm it.
(Saheeh Muslim, No.4195)
    * Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said:
From the Prophet that he said: When the apocalypse has been approached, the dream of a Muslim almost no lie. One dream of you close to the truth is most people dream of the most honest in speaking. Muslims dream is to include one of the forty-five parts of prophethood. The dream was divided into three groups: a good dream, that is good news that comes from God. A sad dream, that dream came from the devil. And the dreams that came from the promptings of self. If one of you had a dream that is not fun, then he should get up from bed and prayed and he should not tell the dream to others. He said: I'm glad when dreams are bound with ropes and do not like when a dream with neck chains. The rope is a symbol of constancy in religion. Abu Huraira said: I do not know if it includes the hadith or sayings of Ibn Sirin.
(Saheeh Muslim, No.4200)
    * Anas bin Malik, he said:
 Prophet said: Dreams of a believer is to include one of the forty six parts of prophethood. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4201)

    * Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra., He said:
Messenger of Allah. He said: He who sees me in a dream, then he really has seen me. Satan can not be transformed like me. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4206)

* Hadith narrated by Abu Qatadah ra., He said:
Messenger of Allah. He said: He who saw me in a dream, then he really see something right (right). (Saheeh Muslim, No.4208)

2. About the interpretation of dreams

    * Ibn Abbas narrated Hadith.:
      He told me that a man had come to the Messenger of Allah. and said: O Messenger of Allah! Actually I had a dream last night saw a cloud that samin oil and honey dripping. Then I see people lifted their hands in the drops are there who have much and some are just getting a little. Then I saw a rope stretched from heaven down to earth and then saw you holding the rope and then you go upstairs. Then there was a man holding a rope afther you, and went upstairs. There is also another man holding a rope, but disconnected, then connected again after, he went upstairs. Abu Bakr said: O Messenger of Allah! To you I sacrifice my father and for the sake of Allah, allow me to takwil about dream. Messenger of Allah. He said: Just takwil (explain) ! Abu Bakr said: The mean cloud a cloud of Islam. Precipitation in the form samin and honey is the Qur'an in terms of sweet and smooth. People who tipped his hand on the droplets mean that many people appreciate the contents of the Koran and that only a few a means gainst the Koran. The rope is connected from the heavens to the earth is the truth that you carry. You hold the string and then God made you with a rope. Then after you, there is a man who holds the rope and climbed up on the rope. There was another man who holds the rope and climbed up on the rope. And there's another man who holds the rope, but disconnected and connected again after he had just climbed to the top with a rope. Tell me, O Messenger of Allah! To you I sacrifice my father! According to you, whether my takwil it right or not? Messenger of Allah. He said: Some that you explain that there are right and some things go wrong. Furthermore, Abu Bakr said: By Allah, O Messenger of Allah, tell me where my fault! He said: You do not often swear. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4214)

3. Dream Prophet.

    * Hadith narrated by Abu Musa ra.:
From the Prophet. that he said: I never dreamed as if emigrated from Mecca to the city to a land of palm trees. I'm sure it is an area of Yamamah or Hajar region, but in fact it is an area of Medina who formerly called Yathrib. In this dream I seemed to be wielding a sword suddenly his eyes became dull. It turns out that dream is a disaster for those who believe in the battle of Uhud. Then I swing the sword once again and it came back good as before. Apparently it was the victory given by God and the unity of believers. In the dream I also saw a cow, God is good substance. Apparently it is (cue) a collection of believers in the battle of Uhud. But the goodness of God coming still later. Replies a faith given by God after the battle of Badr. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4217)  

    * Ibn Abbas narrated Hadith., He said:
 On a day Musailimah Al-Kadzab came to Medina at the time of the Prophet. and said: If Muhammad handed leadership sepeniggalnya me I would want to be followers. Musailimah Then come back (to Medina), together with some of his people, then the Prophet PBUH. by Thabit bin Qais bin syammas go see him holding a piece of palm midrib until he stood in front of his friends and their Musailimah ago said: Even if you ask me this piece of wood, nor would I give to you and I will not disobey God in dealing with you. If you turn away, Allah will membinasakanmu. Indeed I have been dreaming of you, and you have shown me in the dream. And this Thabit bin Qais who will give an answer to you. Then he moved away leaving Musailimah. Ibn Abbas said: I asked about the Prophet.: Behold I have dreamed of you and you have shown me in the dream. Then Abu Hurairah that the Prophet preached to me. He said: While I was sleeping I dreamed I saw a pair of gold bangles in my hands. A pair of bracelets is very caught my attention. In bed I got a revelation that blew a pair of these bracelets. After I blow it turns out a pair of bracelets are flying. I interpreted the dream to be the emergence of two first liar is after my departure from the area Unsi Shan `a and the second is from regional Musailimah Yamamah. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4218)

    * Hadith Samurah bin Jundub ra., He said:
 Prophet. after each prayed Fajr exposes his face to his companions and asked: Was there last night one of you is dreaming. (Saheeh Muslim, No.4220)